Your success in a job interview often hinges on your ability to tell a good story. Stories, rather than straightforward answers, help you stand out from other candidates. Here’s how to weave a gripping narrative if your interviewer asks you a situational question such as “Can you explain a challenge you overcame?” or “Can you tell me about yourself?” Start by choosing a relevant moment that genuinely left a lasting imprint on you. Honesty and authenticity are key; your interviewer will be able to tell right away if the memory you’re recounting doesn’t actually mean much to you. Share details. Don’t just tell them something they can see on your resume or in your cover letter — paint them a picture by explaining the who, what, where, when, why, and how of the moment. Crucially, show vulnerability. The last thing you want to do is come off as a one-dimensional “hero.” Balance your stories of success with a story or two of failure. For example, you might share an experience where your best intentions still resulted in an undesirable outcome that taught you an important lesson. Stories like these will show your interviewer that you have a healthy dose of self-awareness and can maintain a growth mindset, even in the face of difficulty.