Deciding your next career move can feel overwhelming. There are so many potential choices with a variety of possible outcomes, that it can be hard to fairly assess your options. Try using a simple exercise to identify what you love about work and what you’re looking for. Start by creating a blank Bingo card, essentially a table with five squares across and five squares down — a total of 25. Then, write 10 to 15 skills that you possess, enjoy, and think employers may consider valuable in various boxes. It doesn’t matter what squares they go in, but try to be as specific as possible. Next, come up with a list of five to 10 traits you’d like to have in a future manager and five to 10 values, benefits, or qualities you’d like in a future workplace. Write those down too, until all 25 boxes are full. Now, use this Bingo card to evaluate roles you’re interested in. When you come across job descriptions that pique your interest, check off the boxes on your card that you believe will be fulfilled by that specific job. Which of your skills will you be able to apply? Likewise, note any boxes that remain unchecked and consider whether they’re dealbreakers. For example, if you wrote down on your card that one of the qualities you want in a workplace is “a fast-paced, startup culture” but you see a role that seems perfect for you that sits within a large corporation, would you be willing to compromise or is that a dealbreaker? While this may seem like just a game, it’s a great way for you to identify what you really want and consider options that are often hard to compare.